Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Edge of Maine (Directions) by Geoffrey Wolff

Edge of Maine (Directions) by Geoffrey Wolff

Edge of Maine (Directions)

Edge of Maine (Directions) by Geoffrey Wolff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Novelist and biographer Geoffrey Wolff has spent many summers in Maine—sailing its coastal waters, climbing its rocky peaks, and communing with its natives. Now, with the voice of a passionate insider, he brings readers into the heart of this striking region and explains what makes it unique. Starting with a gripping tale about being lost offshore in the fog with inadequate navigational aids, Wolff goes on to describe the coast’s geological history and discovery by Europeans. He then turns a keen eye towards Mainers, their mores and peculiarities, and to the summer rusticators who for generations have invaded the stunning waterfronts. A section on boat building celebrates the extraordinary rescue of Maine’s foremost craft; another on lobsters tells the rich story of the custom, taste, commerce, environmental conflict, and scientific mystery surrounding these critical crustaceans. Here is a true feast—travel literature at its best.

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