Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ In the Bath: Conquering the Channel in a Piece of Plumbing by Tim Fitzhigham

In the Bath: Conquering the Channel in a Piece of Plumbing by Tim Fitzhigham

In the Bath: Conquering the Channel in a Piece of Plumbing

In the Bath: Conquering the Channel in a Piece of Plumbing by Tim Fitzhigham PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The true story of Tim FitzHigham’s successful attempt to be the first person in history to row across the English Channel in a bath.

In a celebration of the epic absurd, the author of Around Ireland with a Fridge attempts to explain just how out of hand things can become from a very simple starting point. The book follows the author’s death-defying two hundred mile journey in his antique Thomas Crapper bath — not just across the Channel, but around Kent — right up to the tremendous reception and huge media attention which awaited him under Tower Bridge.

Tim met the Queen, and his bath now resides in the National Maritime Museum of Great Britain.

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