Delight in the Art of Collage: Mixed-media Collage and Assemblage Techniques and Projects by Lisa M. Pace
Delight in the Art of Collage: Mixed-media Collage and Assemblage Techniques and Projects by Lisa M. Pace PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Delight in the Details! Add a bit of vintage detail to your collage work! In Delight in the Art Collage, Lisa M. Pace shares an abundance of mixed-media techniques and leads you step-by-step through 40 vintage-inspired projects! Inside, you'll find projects that focus on textiles, metal, paper, beeswax, and more. You will follow along with step-by-step instruction for beautiful creations such as:- A felted wool and zipper-trim fabric collage built upon a background of lace and doilies
- A mobile (like you've never seen before!) featuring photo-transferred metal embellishments
- A wildflower-inspired collage of vintage book pages, aluminum punched flowers, and faux resin leaves
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