Unbroken Spirits: Nineteen Years in South Korea's Gulag (Asian Voices) by Suh Sung
Unbroken Spirits: Nineteen Years in South Korea's Gulag (Asian Voices) by Suh Sung PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This is the remarkable and wrenching memoir of a South Korean dissident who was unjustly accused of spying for the North Koreans and jailed for nineteen years as a political prisoner. The updated English-language edition traces Suh Sung's experiences as a Korean citizen of Japan before his incarceration, his time in prison, and his subsequent release. Readers will be moved and awed by Suh's courage under torture and solitary confinement. This memoir is an invaluable document for all concerned about human rights and a moving testimony to one man's incredible determination.From reader reviews:
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